Das Bild zeigt, dass die Stadt Irevan voller Moscheen ist. Dies weist auf die lange Geschichte der Stadt hin.


Von famous_dualist


  1. Neat_Plenty5557 on

    I like how they like to talk about who is native to this or that land till it is about Yerevan. Few weeks ago they were claiming Uzundere being Armenian common culture with Azerbaijanis. But they won’t claim same thing for duduk or dolma or anything else.

  2. CalmEquivalent9302 on

    Irevan was built by Azerbaijanis. It is really pity that we have lost it.

  3. 2sexy_4myshirt on

    It depends where you draw the line. Not a historian but it was probably originally more armenian than persian or turcoman. Probably with the iranians taking control of Azerbaijan and Armenia you saw a lot more muslims migrate there over time.

  4. markarmenia on

    Please provide a source that this is supposed to be Yerevan. I did not find any official sources aside from Azeri ones claiming that this is supposedly Yerevan. Anyways, this medal was actually in honor of the signing of the Treaty of Turkmenchay.

  5. I’m a coin collector but pretty ignorant when it comes to medals. What about this indicates Yerevan?

    Did quick research and this is pretty cool. Says it was made in commemoration of the Russian empire capturing Yerevan from the Persia

  6. datashrimp29 on

    Russians are so about heraldics. This is a typical symbol of Christianity over Islam, Cross over Crescent. For example, the historical coat of arms of the City of Mariupol has the same meaning. They occupied the city, ethnically cleansed the place from tatars, deported Armenians/Greeks, and called it a win for Christianity.

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