Das Wahlergebnis vom letzten Wochenende hatte einen Verlierer – den Wähler, der nicht für PLPN stimmen wollte. Arnold Cassola, der außerhalb der großen Parteien am nächsten an der Wahl war, wurde gestern mit den Worten zitiert: Malta braucht eine Mitte-Grün-Links-Gruppierung.
PLPN ist bereits Mitte-links und beide versprechen, grüne Politik umzusetzen. ADPD, das Cassola gegründet hat, war schon immer "die grüne Partei"Malta braucht keine weitere Mitte-links-Grüne-Partei.
Das Problem ist, dass wohlmeinende unabhängige Freidenker zu ideologisch in ihren Forderungen sind. Was Malta braucht, ist eine Partei der Gemäßigten, die den Status quo in Frage stellen kann, ohne an "links", "Rechts", "Grün", "konservativ".
Wie würde eine dritte Partei in Malta aussehen?
Von ChevalMallet
AD and later ADPD has been a third party in Malta for decades so I’m guessing it would look like that
Imho, ADPD/AD’s biggest problem has always been their image. Nothing ever looked professional: their name, their branding, their press conferences…nothing. Any new party should start with solid content, branding and social media experts. Then let politicians like Cassola do the politics talking. Everything must be professional. It’s the only way to maybe steal enough voters from the traditional parties.
When malta finally has a third party it will be a submerged coral reef and all the filth and inbred retards would all be fish food. Can you wait that long ?
On a more serious note, if anything about butthole island can ever be serious.
A) what happens now with the hundreds of millions, billions stolen ?
B) is it legal for the parties to run their own TV, radio and papers and freely abuse of data with no consequences? I received sms and letters targeted by age and gender plus they had my mobile and address.
C) will the eu accept that it’s complicit in this corruption and will the citizens of other countries accept that people elected from butthole island will have control over their lives and endanger their security, livelihood and institutions?
The responsibility ultimately lies with the EU which allows this charade in butthole island to carry on.
Cassola should Name the party Mom’s Spaghetti
They’re always gonna get elected and then narrowly miss out by half the quota lol.
We should have a party that embraces our Anarchy. And then without the government we wouldn’t have corruption to worry about. And without taxes we’ll keep foreign investments rolling.
“the voter who did not want to vote for PLPN”
How did you conclude this? The voters almost exclusively voted for PLPN. The ones who didn’t vote were likely PL voters who wanted to protest vote. The issue will likely not be reproduced in a national election.
While I agree that we need a new option form the PLPN duopoly that has been dominating Maltese elections for several decades. I don’t really see how this party would be any different than ADPD or Volt. How is this party let’s call “alliance” be any different than that we already have? It’s seems alliance would be occupying the same niche as other left leaning green parties like ADPD & volt.