Ich habe gelesen, dass es die Nummer 5061 1899 gibt, aber dort steht, dass man bestimmte Informationen angeben muss. Weiß jemand, um welche Informationen es sich handelt? Weiß jemand, ob das wirklich funktioniert? 2017 wurde anscheinend nur ein kleiner Teil davon tatsächlich überprüft.
Für jede Hilfe wäre ich dankbar
Von FrostPace
It is a shit system that doesn’t work. But it is designed to give you a feeling your complaints are taken seriously.
On the other hand, what kind of political party or politicians, within a democratic system, implement a system which relies on civilians ratting each other out?
It’s a flawed system that’s not worthy of a democracy. The politicians that tossed this idea should be ashamed and get lessons in democratic principles
I remember seeing the article in the news a few years ago ( pre covid) to report any vehicles you see which are spewing smoke. And, I think there also was an email address. Supposedly you send your location, and the license plate of the car. And I’m not sure if you could also send a photo or video via email. However, I have no idea of this actually working. I do not know if anybody telling me that they had actually ever reported, or got any feedback from a report. So I presumed this is just wishful thinking now.
I would say enjoy the cancer fumes .. don’t worry, this country will shorten your life before the fumes do you in ..
No one cares ..
Hah, good luck with that especially if you are a foreigner.
You can send a message with the license place number on 50611899
Not sure if anything is actioned based on the info but it used to be that after multiple reports they’re called in for a check of the car.