Sind sich Linke ihrer selbst bewusst oder differenziert? Sie wiederholen bloß oxymoronische Phrasen und vertreten widersprüchliche Positionen.

Von KopeMaxxer


  1. Left and right are very broad political ideologies, of course there are tons of things that leftists and rightists across the world agree on. What do you mean nuanced?

    I say this as a rightist by the way.

  2. Left and right are echo chambers and don’t allow any room for logic. If you think that the left is unreasonable take a step back look at the right wing narrative and see the issues. We like to cling on stupid internet posts trying to put either the left or the right in stereotypical categories like the right are all nazis or the left are all gay etc. but in reality in reality politics are much more nuanced. People can feel strong about a topic and still support another. We can go protest for Palestine but that don’t mean we don’t care about Kosovo. But you know the bigger picture and accepting peoples views is to high of a concept for a lot of people.

  3. Revolutionary-Sun151 on

    Queer per Palestine nuk eshte kontradiktore. Nuk eshte se nuk e dine ca ndodhe me personat queer ne palestine, thjeshte jane dale ne mbeshtetje per ta, te cilen cdo njeri qe nuk eshte psikopat duhet me ba (jo detyrimisht proteste). Edhe nuk besoj se e fajeson najkush palestinen qe nuk ka te drejta per komunitetin lgbt kur ata as te drejta per jete nuk kan.

    Te majtet ne mbeshtetje te se drejtave te njeriut jane ne fakt shume konsistent, nuk duhet me mendu qe vetem personat qe e kane kulturen & vlerat e njejta me ty e meritojne vemendjen tane kur ju cenohet liria. Nuk duhet mi mbyll syte para ketij gjenocidi qe po ndodh ne Gaza.

  4. NewGenThinker on

    I would also say to avoid this Twitter account they clearly post rage-bait content with a clear agenda behind their posts.

    Alot of Reddit posts here in r/Kosovo have been from this account and it’s kinda evident that it’s nothing but rage-bait (judging by the comments on their posts)

    It’s a bit dissappointing this is the most followed account to get news and data about Kosovo, there should be other alternatives.

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