Die Hamas feuerte aus humanitären Unterkünften Raketen auf Aschdod in Israel ab



  1. Crazy-Nights on

    Newsflash: both Israel and Hamas are doing some very bad things with innocent people getting caught in the middle. They both think they’re right and justified.

    I wish I could wave a wand and make the leadership of both sides be the ones fighting on the front lines. You’d see a ceasefire pretty damned quick.

  2. RustyCoal950212 on

    Headline: Hamas fired rockets toward Ashdod from **inside humanitarian shelter**

    Article: Hamas fired rockets toward Ashdod from **near a humanitarian shelter** in Deir al-Balah in central Gaza on Monday, according to the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit.

    Which one?

  3. Doing everything they can to give Israel a reason to never ok a ceasefire.

  4. Whelp, time to indiscriminately kill civilians in the area after Hamas has left.

  5. Tichey1990 on

    Doesnt that make the shelter a legitimate military target under laws of war>

  6. EdmontonBest on

    Canadians – this is all your fault and you are all complicit! That’s what the protestors shouted at me this weekend.

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