Putin blames “radical Islamists” for terrorist attack
March 25, 2024, 19:37
The terrorist attack in a concert hall near Moscow was carried out by Islamists, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
“We know that the crime was committed by radical Islamists,”
Putin said at a meeting broadcast on Russian television.
More shortly here on ZEIT ONLINE
Supermancometh on
Best thing would be to invade Afghanistan then
Nauris2111 on
So…. what are they going to do about it? Fighting sheep herders might be easier than battling an actually modern and effective army, but the results were catastrophic last time they invaded Afghanistan.
WD466 on
I waiting for him to add
Putler: The attack was carried out by radical Islamists…….supported by Ukraine
ShihTzuEnjoyer69 on
Wow, this was a punch under the belt on Medvedev! Not that he will notice in his foggy state of mind
form_d_k on
And Ukraine. He blamed radical Islamists… and Ukraine.
Sergersyn on
Wait a minute. Radical Islamists from Ukraine, right? Right?!
AquaVitae_777 on
Why do I get the feeling he’s going to say it was organized and ordered by Ukraine though
wabashcanonball on
He had to or he’d risk reprisals from Islamic terrorists.
doughtnut2022 on
Considering the ISIS continue to actively making threat of attacking Russia, it would have been difficult to create a “false flag” that Ukraine was the behind it. Now Russia will need to divert MAJOR resources to anti-terrorism, because if ISIS is able to do another attack, it would be extremely difficult to explained.
Keep in mind the police arrived in force only 90min after the attack, which considering it was only 18Km from the Kremlin, is quite telling on how unprepared fast responders were; also the terrorist drove for 4h on major highway without being intercepted.
The going to the Ukraine frontier is BS to try saving the face. Seriously, there was no escape plan, the terrorist were likely surprise they could get out of Moscow in a car without being intercepted. Btw, Belarus frontier was also very close and would have been easier to cross then the Ukraine frontier.
C_lui on
ISIS: For the love of God IT WAS US!!
Russia: Hmmm…I don’t know…maybe.
shownomercy1977 on
I am surprised he didn’t say radical Ukrainian Islamists
Lordziron123 on
Wait weren’t putin and cronies were also blaming ukraine for the terrorist attack?
Lemur718 on
This would be an interesting turn of history if they teamed up with the Taliban to get rid of isis-k.
Putin blames “radical Islamists” for terrorist attack
March 25, 2024, 19:37
The terrorist attack in a concert hall near Moscow was carried out by Islamists, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
“We know that the crime was committed by radical Islamists,”
Putin said at a meeting broadcast on Russian television.
More shortly here on ZEIT ONLINE
Best thing would be to invade Afghanistan then
So…. what are they going to do about it? Fighting sheep herders might be easier than battling an actually modern and effective army, but the results were catastrophic last time they invaded Afghanistan.
I waiting for him to add
Putler: The attack was carried out by radical Islamists…….supported by Ukraine
Wow, this was a punch under the belt on Medvedev! Not that he will notice in his foggy state of mind
And Ukraine. He blamed radical Islamists… and Ukraine.
Wait a minute. Radical Islamists from Ukraine, right? Right?!
Why do I get the feeling he’s going to say it was organized and ordered by Ukraine though
He had to or he’d risk reprisals from Islamic terrorists.
Considering the ISIS continue to actively making threat of attacking Russia, it would have been difficult to create a “false flag” that Ukraine was the behind it. Now Russia will need to divert MAJOR resources to anti-terrorism, because if ISIS is able to do another attack, it would be extremely difficult to explained.
Keep in mind the police arrived in force only 90min after the attack, which considering it was only 18Km from the Kremlin, is quite telling on how unprepared fast responders were; also the terrorist drove for 4h on major highway without being intercepted.
The going to the Ukraine frontier is BS to try saving the face. Seriously, there was no escape plan, the terrorist were likely surprise they could get out of Moscow in a car without being intercepted. Btw, Belarus frontier was also very close and would have been easier to cross then the Ukraine frontier.
ISIS: For the love of God IT WAS US!!
Russia: Hmmm…I don’t know…maybe.
I am surprised he didn’t say radical Ukrainian Islamists
Wait weren’t putin and cronies were also blaming ukraine for the terrorist attack?
This would be an interesting turn of history if they teamed up with the Taliban to get rid of isis-k.
Iran is definitely on board already.