Ich habe mir das angesehen und war erstaunt. Er würde niemals zulassen, dass ein albanischer Journalist so viele Fragen hintereinander zu den Anschuldigungen gegen ihn und sein Büro stellt, immer und immer wieder. Aber auch Rama schlägt zurück und nimmt genauso viel zurück. Es kam mir vor, als würde ich den Kampf des Jahrhunderts zwischen Joe Frazier und dem ehemaligen unangefochtenen Schwergewichtsweltmeister Muhammad Ali sehen:


Von Komshiu10


  1. 5picy5ugar on

    Po fiks. Na u desh ky taljoni qe ti nxjerre ketij 1000 te zezat qe ka. Ah ne te shkretet. A e pyeti ku kane vajt 1.1 mld EUR nga kredite dhe donacionet per Termetin? Shpresat tek Dumani vetem.

  2. Shifi komentusat te videoja.

    Te tan sypetrita,hundshkabe,bethqima dhe karthithsa.

  3. java_unscript on

    Come on OP, think…

    He’s only allowing a debate with a foreign journalist because he can put a spin on it to make it seem like the foreign journalist is criticising Albanians instead of just (legitimate) criticism of him, and then leave an open space for Albanian viewers to make a ‘nationalist’ interpretation.

    Albanians get defensive when anyone foreign says anything critical about us, so it’s a good tactic to play. When criticism of him is high, the nationalism card is used to balance it out and slip under the radar for a few more years. He recently did an event in Greece using the same strategy. You can see from the positive comments of him on the video that that it is working.

    Literally the only talent he and his team have is in their psychological control of the Albanian people, whose lives they have hindered, not helped, and the youth are having to rebuild new lives overseas as if they literally were just born yesterday, having received nothing of real value from the country he has been running.

    His entourage are also active on this forum. It’s an english speaking forum so its important to them. I’ve identified a number of his cretins and can leak them and their dirty laundry at any time should I need to (aka EDDIEGATE).

    The man is a serpent. You know when someone is so evil that you don’t feel bad about using violence towards them, kind of like child molesters? That’s how he basically is. He is this behemoth of evil energy. Even the way he talks is devoid of any emotion or compassion and is full of bad, limp, impotent, negative energy. A serpent.

    And if I’m ever in the same area as him…. best believe I am crashing out and running him over in my white mercedes and the engine light is coming on. For my people. For you.

  4. I don’t like boxing and I don’t understand Italian, but even I know that can’t be compared to the fight of the week let alone the fight of the century

    Even the critics give this guy too much credit.

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