Ich bin Amerikaner und habe versucht, europäische Länder aufzuzählen. Ist das gut?


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  1. Due-Transition-3210 on

    Monaco, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Czech are all wrong.

    Btw this is BiH sub, where is BiH on this map? We dont exist? Or are we in some other continent according to USA?

  2. Standard-Bit1075 on

    Uf, brale!!!! Išao bih svaki vikend u Dansku na pivo 🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻

  3. Outrageous-Ad6853 on

    I’m from Serbia, which you totally misplaced on your map. But that aside, your result is pretty admirable. Well done! Me trying to name the states would be a total disaster 😀

  4. Street-Painting-5279 on

    you mixed up sweden and norway.The place you put latvia lithuania and estonia are Croatia,Bosnia,Serbia and down from Serbia is Crna Gora.

  5. mbti-intp-99 on

    Czechs? Maybe on vacation – but youd only find those in croatia 😉

  6. Lol. You changed positions of Ireland and Turkey, the rest is good 😁

  7. Independent_Bet2160 on

    There are some online games with which you can easily learn this

  8. Living-Practice3427 on

    I am European, and this is my thinking as well ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)

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