Tut mir leid, dass ich auf Englisch schreibe, mein Albanisch ist nicht so gut. Ich versuche, meine Geburtsurkunde von der Website von e-albania zu erhalten, bin mir aber nicht sicher, was ich in das Feld „njësia administrative“ eingeben soll? Ich habe versucht, sie zu kontaktieren, aber ich habe keine Antwort erhalten, also bin ich hier, haha


Von opinionated-b


  1. in which administrative unit were your parents registered when you were born?

  2. mrs_balinaplastelina on

    Njesia administrative me pare ka qene njesia bashkiake. Pyet prinderit mos e mbajne mend. Ne te kundert gjeje ne harte ne varesi te adreses qe je ne regjister.

  3. opinionated-b on

    Also, after that, what do I choose for “zyra e gjendjes civile”

  4. I think it’s where you live, but take it with a grain of salt because I’m a kid. It’s probably that tho since the options include Dajt, Farke, and Kashar. You’d probably need to see the deed of your house or the contract if you’re renting (idk if any of the two actually has it. This is purely a shot in the dark.)

  5. Fresh-Passage3251 on

    A regular birth certificate just type CERTIFIKATE LINDJE dhe click on for yourself. What you are searching here is mostly for marriee ppl who’s husband/wife has died, or women to get a certificate with their maiden name

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