Russisches Dünenbuggy-Angriffsteam wird Ende März 2024 von Streumunition und FPVs der 47. mechanisierten Brigade, Ukraine, wahrscheinlich Gebiet Awdijiwka, getroffen

Von Hannibal_Game


  1. Necessary-Aide1464 on

    In case you are wondering this is a tactical win for russia. They managed to get 2 guys in a hole in the middle of the field and Ukraine has spent some ammo (exposed artilery to drones etc) in order to kill said assault team. Forward 20 more teams like this and they will have 10 guys dug up in a hole in the middle of the field and maybe they will hit that M777 or whatever fired the clusters or Ukraine runs out of clusters. Then they CONQUER THE POTATO FIELD AND PLANT THE SOVIET FLAG because in their twisted minds this is how the world works in 2024: if you plant your flag (not even yours… a flag from 40 years ago ) in the middle of the field that field is now yours.

  2. HomingPigeon6635 on

    I just want russia to keep using these golf carts. It’s light, it’s fast, it doesn’t require ukraine to use much ammunition to take them out :3

  3. It’s funny that this is all that Russia’s “friend without limits” China is willing to sell them to help them on the battlefield.

  4. Fine_Gur_1764 on

    Genuinely – what’s the logic with those golf carts? Is the idea that they’re lighter/faster and better able to get over muddy terrain?

    Are they less likely to set anti-tank mines off?

    What’s the logic?!

  5. SaltyExcalUser on

    Tactical golf carts, and those last 4 staying in a pool of water while bleeding

  6. Accomplished-Skill90 on

    In 2014 ruskis mocked us for using yellow armored Bogdan busses. Look how tables turned have.

  7. cluster shells was first delivered after biden found 400 mill in couch cushion last month

  8. Colofarnia on

    At the end, when they’re in that crater filled with water, writhing around. Fuck that’s gotta suck, but it’s just desserts for invaders I suppose.

  9. Annoying_Rooster on

    I just don’t know how any rational person could look at something like that and be told you’ll be assault an enemy position with the local golf cart.

  10. UpNorthIGo on

    I always wonder why they are fighting. Dont they have any options to like not fight and die?

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