Das habe ich auf einer Reise durch Reykjavik aufgenommen. Es ist eines meiner liebsten Straßenfotos, aber ich bin mir auch nicht sicher, wie die Übersetzung lautet.


Von hoonturp


  1. EgNotaEkkiReddit on

    Ironically enough (or maybe the point) is that it’s not even good grammar. “Skammast þú þín” is the grammatically conventional phrasing.

  2. Ég tek þessu persónulega… að skrifa síðustu stafina pínu lítið af því að ég er með ADHD og hugsaði ekki lengra en einn staf í einu

    Edit: og fatta svo að þráðurinn er á Ensku… og fá svo samviskubit sem hefur engan rétt á sér

  3. siggiarabi on

    Something along the lines of “are your ashamd for icelandic” or “your shud be ashamd for icelandic” if I translate with the bad grammar. The question mark makes me think it’s the former

  4. No_nukes_at_all on

    It’s a sort of a pun; translates to Do you feel ashamed about Icelandic, but written with a grammar error.

  5. “are you ashamed of you for Icelandic?” , sounds even more grammatically incorrect in Icelandic… Maybe racist, maybe pun, in any case … poorly done.

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