PSA: Übertragbare Stimmen verhindern den Spoiler-Effekt. PNPL verbreitet diesbezüglich Fehlinformationen. Eine Stimme für eine Drittpartei/unabhängige Partei zu wählen ist KEINE Zeitverschwendung. Wählen Sie nicht das kleinere Übel.

Von smus0025

1 Comment

  1. Does Malta use an unmodified version of STV? I cannot find the source but I recall the system is modified so that if a candidate does not receive enough “1”s (excluding those transferred from other candidates), then they are not qualified to receive any other transferable votes.

    So if I place “1” on a candidate that is not likely to qualify and does not, then my “1” is “wasted” making the “1” far more important than the rest which makes voting on who you think have a chance to win instead who you want to win. I find it hard to believe that the most voted 3rd party member has less votes than the least voted party member of the main parties since they never manage to win a seat (in general elections).

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