Ein Student von mir aus Uschhorod hat einige Bilder dieses Buches mit mir geteilt. Sie erzählte mir, dass es in der für die Karpaten typischen Rusyn-Sprache geschrieben sei.


Von DonPijoteVI


  1. Spare-Plenty-8952 on

    yes because it looks like just plain old russian with pre-reform orthography

    i think your student is either wrong or just fucking around with you

  2. emphieishere on

    It is definetely pre-reform Russian. I can tell it with being 95 per cent sure. If it appears those left 5 per cent I’ll go crazy. Your student most probably is being mistaken here.
    Cool book though!
    But I’ve noticed, it is written in 1936, somehow strange xD Maybe the authors are russian intellectuals from the white emigration.
    Btw, answering your question: yes, everything is totally understandable, 100%

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