Heute ist der 500. Todestag von Schah Ismail.


Von nnb_az


  1. Mental_Towel_6925 on

    What will Azerbaijan and Iran look like now without him? Because his legacy was truly enormous

  2. riderzonthestorm on

    The perfect side profile doesn’t exist))….Napoleon Crossing the Alps and this artwork stand out as my top picks among portraits of historical figures

  3. Ismail is not as necessary as it is portrayed by Soviet history classes for obvious reasons. He didn’t unite Azerbaijan, that’s totally bullshit. Hard to find any good he did for our people. That’s why no point of giving him unnecessary importance and fame.

  4. Fizuli_TheWiseOne on

    Even though he is a turcoman, who made an official language of army and court azerbaijani, made a huge impact on azerbaijani language itself, this man has so much blood in his hands, as a person, he’s a total maniac and a religious fanatic, i respect him as a politic figure, but totally not as a person

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