Die zyprische Hochkommission schuldet TfL 1,4 Millionen


    Von Ourcus


    1. MonarchOfReality on

      congestion charge is another way of fake taxing people for extra money

    2. BleachedPumpkin72 on

      “A stubborn minority”, then lists several embassies representing about a third of the world population, lmao.

    3. >congestion charge is a charge of service and not a tax

      Ok Mr. Transport of London. Then what’s the service being provided then?

    4. How about you owe us for:

      1. Reparations for all the atrocities done while under British rule.

      2. Rent for all the ancient pieces you display in the British museum.

      Will send you the bill. Once you pay this then will settle ours…maybe.

    5. They can subtract the amount from the military bases rent that they pay. Oh wait….. They stopped paying in 1974

    6. Good luck with the public outrage and backlash trying to claim that from Ukraine

    7. morfitis99 on

      They don’t pay for their bases since they are supposed to.

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