Große Bavovnas heute Abend in Sewastopol!


  1. Repulsive_Poem_5204 on

    Impossible, Russia says all were shot down…

    >!But we all know better!<

  2. StepFancy8572 on

    Moscow in a few hours. “Slightly damaged to falling debris.”

  3. macktruck6666 on

    Ukraine didn’t do the stuff in Moscow, but it definitely did this. Ukraine isn’t going to pull punches. Response is perfect. Ukraine isn’t going to get bulled into “don’t provoke Russia” argument any longer.

  4. AlwaysS0metimes on

    One could assume Russia is at war – how did that happen??
    …ah well, now I remember…

  5. Dependent-Drop-5299 on

    What is sitting in a bunker and gets smaller and smaller?

    putin with a cheese slicer..

  6. Veganes_Lachsfilet on

    well, i am quite eager to find out what they hit this time.

  7. Fearless-Community42 on

    looking forward to the day that Crimea is back under Ukrainian jurisdiction again.

  8. Tyberius_Kirk on

    I wonder what target could warrant a triple tap with storm shadows? I really can’t wait to find out! Bingo cards at the ready

  9. EvidenceOk7413 on

    I can’t wait to find out what ground “decoy” AA system “intercepted” this strike. Lol

  10. These people sound so distressed, despite living on illegally occupied territory.

  11. christhepirate67 on

    The Partisans found a store of self propelled Howitzers / artillery being stored in Crimea, im guessing that may account for one of the kabooms…

    love to know what else there might be smoking

  12. Do we know what they were aiming at yet?

    3 hit the same place (that was what i saw)

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