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1. Ποιες είναι οι τρεις προτεραιότητες σας αν εκλεγειτε στην Ευρωβουλη
2. Ποια είναι η άποψη σας για την νομιμοποιηση της Μαριχουάνας;
3. Ποια είναι η αποψη σας για γαμους, υιοθεσιες απο ομοφυλα ζευγαρια. Ποια η αποψη σας για τεκνοθεσια με παρενθετη;
4. Εχετε σχεσεις με Τουρκοκυπριους, Τουρκοκυπριακές (περιβάλλοντικες) οργανώσεις (εκτος του συνυποψηφίου σας);
5. Αγαπημένο φαΐ
I would very like to know your stance on the Cyprus issue as in what your practical stance will if elected to the EP (as KOSP wasn’t with the best fame regarding it).
I assume that rest of your relevant political stances would be ‘progressive’ anyway.
What is your opinion on Europol’s pressure to weaken the encryption for the chatting software in the EU?
I am gonna ask about the Cyprob as well
1. I was under the impression that you were in the group of Greens that supported/accept the federal(BBF) solution. Is that right? The previous Greens administration was also more open to this but with the return of Mr Perdikes I feel like there was a return to the pre-Theopemptou stance that was against BBF. What is your opinion about BBF as the solution of the Cyprob? What is your opinion about the political equality of the two communities and whether effective participation can be accepted as a requirement of a single Turkish Cypriot positive vote in the Federal Council of Ministry. What about rotating presidency? (I guess I got a bit too specific, an overall opinion on BBF is good enough)
2. What is your opinion about Nuclear Energy. Green parties are usually against. If you are against do you classify it with coal, natural gas etc?
3. Do you cross the Green line?
(1) When have you been the last time in the north of Cyprus and what was your impression? Did you have any contact to the population in the North?
(2) All official languages of Cyprus should be official EU languages, yes or no?
i saw you podcast yesterday (Game of Politis), you mention that the financial help we give to asylum seekers and applicants is directly paid by the European Union. Is this true? Do you have the numbers, percentages from a valid source and can you share those with us?
Also, what is the official stance of the Green party on the cyprus problem? word on the street is that Perdikis win over Xanthou implies that the traditional anti solution voices of the party have taken over. can you comment on that?
Thank you very much for participating :)))
What do you think about forcing companies to put a realistic salary range in their job listings? Forcing them to be more transparent and eliminate any inequalities in pay. Aren’t there already EU mandates/requirements for such things? If so, why aren’t we enforcing them?
Why is AIK allowed to wrack up fines for not meeting EU standards and then subsequently allowed to pass on that fine to us, the consumer. Why aren’t we pushing hard for more green energy?
What is your opinion on the current housing market? How do you feel about locals being priced out of their own country, by rich immigrants. Why is the government doing nothing? What would you do?
Eπειδή είναι συχνή ερώτηση εδώ και χρόνια… Έχετε σοβαρό πλάνο για την προστασία των ζώων; Δηλαδή και τι συνεπιφέρει κάτι τέτοιο; Όπως μια μεγάλη αστυνομία αποκλειστικά για ζώα με άμεσες εξουσίες για συλλήψεις και ελέγχους και με αυστηρές ποινές; Κυριολεκτικά αυτήν την εβδομάδα είχαμε περιστατικό στην Κύπρο με δολοφονίες για 6 γατάκια και η αστυνομία όπως σε θέματα κλοπών κλασικά βλέπει τον ουρανό. Και αν θα γίνει μια σοβαρή αστυνομία ζώων που πρέπει να γίνει, ποιά θα είναι τα κριτήρια πρόληψης; Κυβερνητικές εξετάσεις απλά; Έλεγχος συμπεριφοράς; Άλλες προηγούμενες εμπειρίες; Τι θα θεωρούσατε συνετό;
Hi Maria! Thank you for being here. We actually met before and I need to mention that your energy is so vibrant! I wanted to wish you good luck in the upcoming elections! ☘️💚
I actually have one question to ask you:
– I know that you are an environmental activist and you are doing a pretty good job, but can I ask your personal stance about the Cyprus problem? I kinda know the party’s stance about it, but I feel like it is not clear enough. What is your personal stance and your party’s stance about bizonal bicommunal federation and unitary state?
1) Με την δημιουργία του Volt – το οποίο εκ πρώτης όψεως φαίνεται να συμπίπτει σε πολλά θέματα με το κόμμα των Οικολόγων – παρατηρείται ότι πολλοί κεντροαριστεροί ψηφοφόροι διχάζονται ανάμεσα στα 2 κόμματα. Ποιοι θα λέγατε είναι οι βασικοί άξονες του πολιτικού οράματός σας σε Ευρώπη και εγχώρια που το κάνουν να ξεχωρίζει σε σχέση με άλλα κόμματα ομοίων φρονημάτων; Αν όντως δεν υπάρχουν ουσιαστικές διαφωνίες, θα ήσασταν τόσο εσείς σαν μονάδα εντός του κόμματος αλλά και το κόμμα σας γενικότερα διατεθειμένοι να συνεργαστείτε πιο στενά με αυτά τε νέα κινήματα;
2) Έχουμε δει μια άνοδο της ακροδεξιάς στην Κύπρο, και σε ένα βαθμό αυτό εκφράζεται μέσα από το κόμμα των κυνηγών. Θα μπορούσατε, πιστεύετε, σαν Οικολόγοι να εστιάσετε στην περιβαλλοντικά υπεύθυνη εφαρμογή του θεσμού του κυνηγιού και την αγάπη για την φύση και το πράσινο ώστε να προσελκύσετε μέρος της δημογραφικής των κυνηγών;
3) Υπάρχει μια γενικότερη κοινοβουλευτική διαταραχή στην Ευρώπη με ευρωσκεπτικιστικά, ακραία, και συντηρητικά κόμματα να ανέρχονται στην εξουσία ή να παίρνουν σημαντικό έδαφος σε πολλές χώρες. Πώς θα μπορούσε ένας Ευρωπαίος πράσινος ευρωβουλευτής να πορευθεί σε αυτό το κλίμα; Τι θα κάνατε εσείς προσωπικά σε ένα τέτοιο πολιτικό περιβάλλον για να περάσετε τα πολιτικά σας φρονήματα στην Ευρωβουλή (πέραν των ψήφων υποστήριξης άλλων πράσινων, προφανώς);
Do you like cats? How many cats do you have? What are their names? Do you advocate for government funding if programs to spay/neuter/treat cats?
What is your personal opinion on the current conflicts in Middle East and East Europe?
As Cyprus what shall we do? And what have you done?
Tell us your stance on the immigration crisis
What makes you uniquely qualified to hold a position in the European Parliament? Why should my vote go to you?
There are numerous big issues faced by the average person in Cyprus – cost of living pressures, housing crisis, energy costs, illegal migration, Cyprus having one of the highest loan interest rates in the EU and banks not lending, low wages.
Do you think that the main policy planks of the Greens are dooming them to irrelevance by focusing on issues that are of secondary importance to people more focused on surviving?
Why do you think that after almost 30 years, the green party in Cyprus has never cracked more than 5% of the vote?
Cyprus has lagged behind implementing various climate and environmental EU directives. How should Cyprus utilize European Greed Deal and Just Transition Fund financing to effectively align with EU climate policies?
Leaving this here for later, someone reply when answers start pouring plz 😛
in a country that increased its minimum wage to 6.25 euro per hour at 8 hours a week 5 days a week now = 1000 euro , can the government start checking wages to see if business owners are actually paying that much so that employees dont have to be scared reporting the business’s and losing their jobs, since its the governments job to check all the money from business’s for social insurance so they must uphold the law of minimum wage. also nice too meet you
Hi Maria! Thanks for being here!
1. Do you believe strongly in an intersectional environmentalism, and if so, do you have any ideas to promote Cypriot unity through environmental solidarity?
Cypriots have ancient methods of adaptations and survival under the harsh semi-arid conditions we live in which are only going to get harsher and harsher with climate change.
2. How would you attempt to make sure that our investment into green energy will not further marginalise our land workers, will be on the terms of indigenous Cypriots as opposed to Eurocentric ideals and globalization? Futhermore, to ensure our sustainable production is island-wide and thus preventing us TsC from relying on neo-colonial policies from Türkiye i.e the pipeline?
Θα ήθελα να ρωτήσω ποια είναι η γνώμη σας για την πυρηνική ενέργεια
Γνωρίζω ότι διαχρονικά οι κυπριακές κυβερνήσεις έχουν αποφασίσει να μην εντάξουν την πυρηνική ενέργεια στο ενεργειακό μίγμα της χώρας
Πιστεύετε ότι αυτή η απόφαση είναι σωστή ή λανθασμένη;
Σε ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο έχουμε δει πως η πρόσφατη εφαρμογή της παλαιότερης απόφασης της Γερμανίας να κλείσει όλους τους πυρηνικούς ηλεκτροπαραγωγικούς σταθμούς έχει αναγκάσει τη χώρα να εξαρτάται πολύ περισσότερο στο Ρωσικό φυσικό αέριο και σε ορυκτά καύσιμα, με αποτέλεσμα να εκπέμπει πολύ περισσότερους τόνους CO2 στην ατμόσφαιρα σε σχέση με άλλες χώρες που έχουν εντάξει την πράσινη, καθαρή πυρηνική ενέργεια
Αν την συγκρίνουμε με τη Γαλλία ή με οποιαδήποτε από τις 25 χώρες της Ευρώπης που έχουν εντάξει την πυρηνική ενέργεια στο ενεργειακό μίγμα της χώρας τους, μπορούμε να δούμε τα ξεκάθαρα οφέλη της τόσο σε θέμα ρύπων όσο και σε ζητήματα ακρίβειας και κόστους της ενέργειας αυτής
Κάποιες περεταίρω ερωτήσεις:
– Στηρίζετε της προσπάθειες της κυβέρνησης σε σχέση με το Great Sea Interconnector?
– Σας βρίσκει σύμφωνη η καλλιέργεια γενετικά τροποποιημένων οργανισμών στην ΕΕ και οι σχετικές ευρωπαϊκές αποφάσεις και οδηγίες;
– (Από copy paste) What is your opinion on Europol’s pressure to weaken the encryption for the chatting software in the EU?
Will you advocate for the removal of Turkish occupation forces and replace Turkey with an alternative EU member as security provider. Same with UK as they are also non EU.
Hi Maria, thank you for coming for that AMA . Here are my questions:
1) When it comes to green energy it seems to me that the RoC just follows what the EU says without question. As a progressive green myself i would like to know, what would you like to add or change with the green policies of the EU when it comes to Cyprus?
2) The Greens welcome their first Turkish speaking Cypriot (TsC) candidate in the EU elections which personally I found a necessary step for every party to do for the future integration of the TsCs to the politics of the whole island. So far only Volt and AKEL seem to be the parties that translate they are their articles etc in Turkish.
Can you give us an insight of the future steps of how the Green Party plans to unite with more TsCs through EU and the party its self? (articles in Turkish, corporations with other political figures etc)
Again thanks for your time.
how can we make sure that locals do not become a minority in a government that priorities foreign investors over the wellbeing of locals.
I am talking equal rights in job opportunities (ton of companies refuse to hire locals or filter them out with uneccesary language requirments like fluent Russian, hell some even post jibs in russian).
Same tax exemptions with foreigners. A local that makes more than 55K in cyprus pays more tax than a foreigner that makes 60K.
How can we incentives for developers to start building normal houses that locals can afford, not only luxury villas for foreigners.
What can we do about the housing crisis that renders young people unable to have families. Most young locals are forced to stay with their parents until 30 as they can not afford to live by their own.
What can we do for the birth decline. Currently the yearly number of new pensioners is higher than births. Social insurance fund is empty. Especially when the SI taxes are going directly to today’s pensioners and the multiple pensions of politicians. Chances are the younger generation will never get a pension nor their money back.
Do you cinsider Gesy sustainable?
For an island of our size and poulation with the sunshine we have, how can we become 100% green. seems AHK is hoarding money for their bord of directors. even taking citizens solar panels off grid. Insane energy prices, fines, energy outings.. the list goes on, while AHK has just created a new luxury skyscraper in larnaca for their offices…
0: Great idea to post an AMA as a politician. I think its a really great move.
1.a: In 2-3 sentences or simple rules please explain your moral values and ethics that lead you to keep a non corrupted individual in a corrupted industry and that are the foundation of your choices in all political matters.
1.b: If you could immediately change something radically in Cyprus with no pushback, what would the first 3 things be (and please explain how it would be viable meaning if I were to give every citizen 1m euros we would bankrupt so it isn’t viable).
Good luck on your political endeavors
Is nuclear energy green? Is it sustainable to push from coal to renewable or would it be wiser to switch to nuclear first?
Hello Maria!
Since you are Green I believe I can ask you more environmental concerns I have and you have a more direct experience with them, so let me start:
1. Why is AIK passing their fines to us? Not allowing us to go off grid and having battery systems?
2. I love cats next to the other person, but can we also value the birds, small insects and lizards lives? I do not know if they are destroying ecosystems like in Australia (where it’s legal to hunt them) but is there any reforms for controlling cat populations?
3. Any incentives for cycling in cities? Most of the paths are very centric and rather useless in my opinion, you end up with car traffic most of the time and you cant use the sidewalk xuz youll get fined.
4. How do you order your mix souvlaki?