Dutzende „Kriminelle“, darunter Minderjährige, allesamt Bürger Aserbaidschans, wurden festgenommen, als sie versuchten, „illegal“ über die georgische Grenze nach Aserbaidschan einzureisen.


Von datashrimp29


  1. datashrimp29 on

    >On May 4, at 00:15, 12 citizens (including 8 minors) were detained on the service territory of the separate border division of the “Gazakh” border troops of the State Border Service during an attempt to violate the state border in the direction from Georgia to Azerbaijan, and at 02:10 service territory of border detachment “Shamkir” – 24 citizens of Azerbaijan (16 of them – minor children).

    >As reported by [Caliber.Az](http://Caliber.Az) to GPS, operative and investigative measures are in fact ongoing.

    They almost bankrupted Azal by saving 5508 euros in flight tickets just to cross from a village to village to visit relatives.

  2. Perfect-Relief-4813 on

    What..? How can a citizen anter their own country illegally and whats the point?

  3. I can’t believe Azerbaijan still has their land borders closed, this is just ridiculous. It must be harming the economy too

  4. Bizim ölkəyə kimsə illegal girməyə çalışırsa ya buna məcburdur ya qaçaqmalçı. Bu yazıqlar 1. qrupa daxildir.

  5. kurdechanian on

    Shh, geopolitics people say it is because of Russian-Ukraine war for some reason, surely we have to believe them instead of such fake news??

  6. Dementia Joe has something to say here: “How dare are you defending your border”

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