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A third of Canadian gig workers are willing to commit tax fraud to be able to eat you mean. Under the table work has been around forever.
The other 2/3rds willing to lie on surveys
Feeding yourself is more important than paying taxes. And what’s the government done for you lately anyway?
If it is cash tips, do I declare the income? Nope.
I mean these are probably the same workers that have scammed the immigration system as international students so are you really surprised.
It’s the same with tips for waiters/hair dressers. People doing what they have to in order to survive. Been this way since beginning of time.
Those same 1/3 also likely agree that the government should socialize as many services as possible.
Maybe this is actually what Trudeau meant to say was we will grow the underground economy from the heart out
Now if the governments were good stewards of our tax dollars I would have an issue.
Unstead they get bloated pensions, fund foreign wars, travel the world in luxury, pad the pockets of donors….hats off to them!
At dome point we need a govt that is responsible, and until then….
Uhh that’s only ok if you’re super rich..poors play by the rules didn’t you know??
lol .. the gig workers are coming mostly from a country which is known for tax fraud and corruption
play stupid games, win stupid prizes
Well the Canadian government is like the mob.
Mob: Give us a portion of your income or we’ll hurt and kill you.
Canadian gov: give us a portion of your income or we’ll take you to jail and ruin your life.
SHOPPERS is having a 20% off on April 2….of course the will jack up the prices before hand thinking that you are getting a bargain. … So April 2 is now the April 1st – April Fools Day.
What the government somehow has forgotten is that their only job is to provide us services that we pay them for.
If someone that you hire to clean your house stops cleaning your house would you keep paying them?
If you hire someone to build an addition and they just stop construction would you pay them?
The principal of government is exactly the same we paid them to service us and our society,
They need to be brought back to heal to understand who they actually serve.
Not that Skip drivers ever struck me as particularly intelligent people, but I’m actually surprised a third of them would be willing to admit such a thing.Â
Gig workers… Tell that to every contractor, plumber, electrician, appliance repair man, mechanic etc that has a cash price on all their services.
Taxing gig work is lame. Guy bikes around in the rain delivering food and makes $35 in loonies and quarters.
Do they keep it in their offshore accounts too?
Now do corporations.
As if 100% of waiters don’t feel entitled to their tax free cash tips
I know several that do. Have reported them, and nothing ever came of it. It adds up to a lot when you take into account that they have been doing it for 10+ years, and they make a lot of income from the UCCB that is scaled of your house income that they report fraudulently. The system is broken, and people know how to exploit it. How hard is it to just look at the income of a household and do simple math vs average monthly costs in they area.
Aren’t the delivery apps required to issues T4A now? Collections is going to be busy.
Good fuck the government. Greedy fuxks already 30% of every hour of work I out in. Fuck them.