Germany Could Be a Model for How We’ll Get Power in the Future (National Geographic)


  1. Alexander_Selkirk on

    > Germany is pioneering an epochal transformation it calls the energiewende—an energy revolution that scientists say all nations must one day complete if a climate disaster is to be averted. Among large industrial nations, Germany is a leader. Last year about 27 percent of its electricity came from renewable sources such as wind and solar power, three times what it got a decade ago and more than twice what the United States gets today. The change accelerated after the 2011 meltdown at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant, which led Chancellor Angela Merkel to declare that Germany would shut all 17 of its own reactors by 2022. Nine have been switched off so far, and renewables have more than picked up the slack.

    > [ …]

    > The fate of those promises hangs in the balance right now. The German revolution has come from the grass roots: Individual citizens and energy genossenschaften—local citizens associations—have made half the investment in renewables. But conventional utilities, which didn’t see the revolution coming, are pressuring Merkel’s government to slow things down. The country still gets far more electricity from coal than from renewables. And the energiewende has an even longer way to go in the transportation and heating sectors, which together emit more carbon dioxide (CO₂) than power plants.

    Ja. Das kam zum allergrößten Teil von unten.

  2. Ecstatic-Aspect-2938 on

    Ist historisch betrachtet ja ganz interessant, aber wie sieht’s denn jetzt, 9 Jahre später aus?

  3. Deutschland geht weltweit einen Sonderweg. Sehr viele andere, hochentwickelte Länder kehren zur Atomkraft zurück, nur Deutschland nicht. Deutschland wird am Ende entweder als Genie oder als größer Depp dastehen.

    Mich besorg die Tatsache, dass das Ergebnis so binär ist. Bei so einem wichtigen Thema hätte ich gerne mehr Polster

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