Weltweit hat sich die Zahl der Kinder, die vor ihrem 5. Geburtstag sterben, seit 2000 halbiert.


1 Comment

  1. lughnasadh on

    Submission Statement

    Doomerism and dystopian fears for the future are a big part of our culture. I think a lot of that comes down to an “if it bleeds, it leads” media focus on the relentlessly negative. If you change your outlook and think outside the bubbles the media creates for us, objective facts aren’t so bleak. Especially if you change your mind to think globally of the whole planet, and not just the bad things happening locally in your (relatively) rich western country.

    Here’s one example. All over the world extreme poverty is in constant decline, and health and living standards are increasing for the world’s poorest. Globalization has helped the world’s poorest, and I suspect they’ll get the largest benefits from AI and robotics too.

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