Mazedonier, was ist eure Meinung zu Kroatien und den Kroaten?

Von ZhiveBeIarus


  1. H1n1_theSwine on

    Brotherly country, association between the states being quite close during the interwar period between figureheads Ante Pavelić and Ivan Mihajlov.

  2. AltAccountBuddy1337 on

    They had awesome computer and gaming magazines in the late 90’s and early 00’s

  3. upvotes_for_vodka on

    My favorite country, stunning architecture and landscapes, too bad I can’t afford to go there anymore. The people seem very divided lately, huge gap between progressive and conservative. Not something you see as a tourist, just something I picked up from reading Croatian media and blogs.

  4. relaksirano on

    very good in general except for the racists border officers (land borders only, airports are fine).

  5. Alternative_Ad9120 on

    Great because if it wasn’t for Nikola Tesla we won’t have tesla coil neon lamp induction motor tesla turbine magnifying transmitter radio-controlled devic

  6. crossfire_hurricanes on

    *Pametni* i *knjiški ljudi*, kak kaze onaj vas holandez iz Skoplja 🙂

  7. I like them and their culture. Them and Slovenians are the only people that stand out from this cursed balkan mentality

  8. Free_League_4392 on

    I would say favorite Balkan country for many of us. Amazing nature and friendly people.

  9. spasovski87 on

    VMRO and USTASE<3👌🏻

    Засекогаш Хрватскиот народ ќе биде братски за нас Македонците.

  10. denis-napast on

    Beautiful country, but pretty expensive, ever more so than Slovenia and even Italy. Wonderful natural beauty and architectural heritage. Wonderful people, the ones that are normal at least. Some are a bit too nationalistic, had a few strange encounters, and the nationalistic banner and political parties don’t help that. But I love when I meet normal people and when I tell them where I’m from they say: “O, pa ti si naš!”

    And another con, border police and customs act like they are guards in Jasenovac…

  11. Fair_Pudding3764 on

    Great country, lovely nature, food and wines.
    The people are colder and not very friendly (like they used to be in the 90s and 2000s).Nationalism is more present even in everyday conversations

  12. RedCollowrath on

    You’ll never find a Macedonian who doesn’t love Croatia.

    If you do, then they’ve probably got something Serbian in them.

  13. My favourite people. The only people who actually treat me like a human being in Germany.

  14. zippydazoop on

    The people are fine. The state is extremely xenophobic. The only reason why we have no problems with Croats is because we don’t border you. Also, very pretentious people.

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