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[\_HABERLERI/n512237-kktcde-rus-secimleri-icin-kurulan-sandikta-10383-secmen-oy-kullandi]( 77 % stimmten für Putin im Norden, 86 % im Norden Süd. Viele russische Wehrdienstverweigerer haben sich wahrscheinlich nie in der Botschaft für die Wahlen registriert, aber wie kommt es zu einem so hohen Prozentsatz und was machen diese Leute hier?
Von haloumiwarrior
When you have no opposition (through various means) it’s hard to vote for someone else.
Exit polls showed much different numbers …
I suppose these votes were just drawn as all Russian election.
Is this the official result from the Russian government? The exit polls show a different result [](
The exit polls showed the opposite result
These are bullshit numbers, my friend
Not enough, Saddam had 100%
‘What are they doing here?’ They come here for the weather and to launder money with the governments blessing
Considering the fact that not every russian citizen voted. It is actually concerning how many Russians we have here. And if we also consider other former USSR people the number is probably more than 60k in the non-occupied areas. They can form a small city
No sources in the article, Turkish website, yeah, seems legit…
Do not believe in any numbers, come on
There’s an article about how it’s falsificated
I believe there is misunderstanding. Published results of election does not depend on people votes anymore.
Also, here is the queue of people voting at 12:00 in ‘midday against Putin’ action.
Absolutely inane. u/halloumiwarrior last month my mom in Russia was facing up to five years in prison for putting some flowers on a monument — do you really believe what the Russian government says? Stop spreading bullshit and xenophobia
They are as legit as the russian numbers
Cyprus is full of silent terrorism supporters. Russian is a russian – in Novosibirsk, In New York and in Limasol.