Elektrofahrzeuge könnten bis 2035 12 Millionen Barrel Öl pro Tag einsparen – das entspricht dem aktuellen Straßentransportbedarf in China und Europa zusammen. Die Preise für Elektrofahrzeuge fallen in China bereits unter die ICE-Preise.
“… global electric car sales are set to remain robust in 2024, reaching around 17 million by the end of the year. In the first quarter, sales grew by about 25% compared with the same period in 2023 – similar to the growth rate seen in the same period a year earlier, but from a larger base. The number of electric cars sold globally in the first three months of this year is roughly equivalent to the number sold in all of 2020.
In 2024, electric cars sales in China are projected to leap to about 10 million, accounting for about 45% of all car sales in the country. In the United States, roughly one in nine cars sold are projected to be electric – while in Europe, despite a generally weak outlook for passenger car sales and the phase-out of subsidies in some countries, electric cars are still set to represent about one in four cars sold.”
Fuck China. Fuck Electric vehicles. You’re all living a pipe dream if you think people want electric cars.
Also [reported recently by Synapse Energy Economics, Inc [pdf]](https://www.synapse-energy.com/sites/default/files/Electric%20Vehicles%20Are%20Driving%20Rates%20Down%20for%20All%20Customer%20Update%20Jan%202024%2021-032.pdf#page=3)
“… across all regions in the United States, EVs have increased utlity revenues more than they have increased utlity costs, leading to downward pressure on electric rates for EV-owners and non-EV owners alike. Between 2011 and 2021, we estmate that EV drivers across the country have contributed $3.12 billion more in revenues than associated costs, cumulatively over the study period …”
That’s just direct oil consumption which barely scratches the surface of car issues. EVs don’t solve tire dust (they actually make it worse), emissions related to manufacturing and road construction, noise pollution (most noise is tire related – not engine), wildlife impact etc. EVs are just a method for car manufacturers to get away with slapping “green” on top of their product and pretending they helped. EVs are less than the bare minimum for fighting global warming.
They cannot cut the energy demand though. It’s merely shifted to a power plant, which is usually running on coal.
12 million will put a dent into the roughly 92 million per day production but that is still only a 13% cut. I wonder if electricity produced by non renewables is included.