Eine neue Studie deckt einen biologischen Zusammenhang zwischen Naturgenuss und reduzierten Entzündungswerten auf, was bei der Vorbeugung oder Behandlung chronischer entzündungsbedingter Krankheiten wie Herzerkrankungen und Diabetes helfen könnte.


1 Comment

  1. Plenty of studies link exposure to the natural world and improved mental and physical health, but a new Cornell study connects enjoyment of nature to a specific biological process – inflammation.

    Led by Anthony Ong, professor in the Department of Psychology and director of the Center for Integrative Developmental Science in the College of Human Ecology, the study showed that more frequent positive contact with nature was independently associated with lower circulating levels of three different indicators of inflammation.

    “By focusing on these inflammation markers, the study provides a biological explanation for why nature might improve health,” Ong said, “particularly showing how it might prevent or manage diseases linked to chronic inflammation, like heart disease and diabetes.”


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