Das offizielle HR-Dokument von Amazon zeigt einen Anstieg der Zahl der Mitarbeiter, die in einer Zeit rekordverdächtiger Entlassungen in PIPs eingestellt wurden



  1. barrystrawbridgess on

    PIPs are done to justify either laying you off or firing you. They aren’t for improving performance and are a tactic used for legal or labor board disputes.

    *See we tried to reform this poorly performing employee. We had no other option than to part ways.*

  2. useful_tool30 on

    On the scale of these tech layoffs it’s not surprising these companies are trying to finds a means to trim their roster with as little serveance as possible. Put their employees of PIPs is the excuse they need to terminate for cause, or at the very least, a trim severance package. Pathetic given the Financials these companies post.

    Here in Canada, one of our largest Telecom providers sponsors a “mental health awareness day” while simultaneously canning thousands of jobs and giving bonuses to the upper echelon all in the same month. I guess it’s great to o

  3. drevolut1on on

    Almost like PIPs are bullshit and not reflective of actual performance… huh.

  4. Fit_Earth_339 on

    Yes and yet it’s totally legal and the worker really has no recourse. This is what happens when giant corporations are allowed to do whatever they want with no government effort to protect its citizens.

  5. rolltododge on

    a certain leader in the UCaaS space is doing the exact same thing…

  6. ViktorLudorum on

    A lot of Amazon warehouses and offices get preferential tax treatment by local and state governments to encourage them to hire in that area. If Amazon is reconsidering employing these people, we need to start clawing these concessions back.

  7. KungFuHamster on

    How strange, either the employees all colluded to start performing poorly… or the company just wanted an excuse to lay them off.

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