Crystal Mason: Texas-Frau wegen Wahlfehlers zu fünf Jahren Haft verurteilt und freigesprochen


  1. Lakecountyraised on

    Compare this to Barry Morphew, who voted on behalf of his missing wife in Colorado. He got no jail time. He is also the prime suspect in her death.

  2. Wow this is good, it doesn’t make up for everything she has went through due to this injustice.

  3. littleredpinto on

    Sentenced to five years..White homie, votes knowingly illegaly and gets a 5k fine.. Even I think that is some racist shit. F ing Texas and the Criminal attorney general. Yet another person involved in a coup attempt, still doing whatever he wants. The system is broken you say? no, I say it is working exactly as designed by the rich.

  4. No-Pen-447 on

    I’m enjoying an edible but when I first saw the pic of the story I was like “why is Wesley Snipes dressed like a woman” am I crazy

  5. Now let’s throw the republican who voted 9 times in there for 9 yrs

  6. MabusIncarnate on

    So that Republican that actually did commit 9 counts of election fraud in Georgia is getting at least 45 years then. Right? RIGHT?

    Slap on the wrist incoming.

  7. bessythegreat on

    Even if she was guilty (which I’m glad she’s not), putting any citizen in jail for trying to vote for 5 years is totalitarian.

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