Stephen Bear zahlt 27.000 Pfund für illegales Sexvideo mit Georgia Harrison

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  1. pppppppppppppppppd on

    Last I heard he was living off budget pizzas and back at his mams. Hopefully he has the dosh to pay up.

  2. psychologicalfishes on

    Nice expensive fuck up that but that’s what happens when your brain is smooth

  3. Scumbaggio1845 on

    So am I understanding this correctly, the police would have been unwilling and/or unable to prosecute this guy without what is relatively recent legislation?

  4. londonmyst on

    Quite a strong precedent that may well deter other attention seeking perverted jerks from emulating his crimes.

    I hope that Ms Harrison and the panel of charities will receive the £207,900 damages sum.

  5. Mihaithepulla on

    Why do British women want to look at all like Georgia Harrison.

    What went wrong.

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