Putin überlässt es Steven Seagal, die Opfer von Crocus City zu besuchen



  1. a_sense_of_contrast on

    If there was ever a statement about how terrible Russia is. Your family gets gunned down and they send Steven Seagal to console you.

  2. DaveDurant on

    That is one seriously unflattering picture. He looks like he’s 11 months pregnant or something..

    (not to body shame – just sayin’, in the context of him supposedly being a tough guy)

  3. AunMeLlevaLaConcha on

    I instantly remembered that Jon Tron video, need to watch that again

  4. Classic seagull… fly in, make an irritating noise, and shit all over everything.

  5. WinOld1835 on

    This is an Onion headline, right?


    It’s an Onion headline, right?

  6. Asleepingin on

    well he does waddle with an air of confidence rarely seen in this day and age

  7. Khoeth_Mora on

    why is Segel now Putin’s stooge you may ask? Segel is a hopeless narcissist, and anyone that can succefully feed his ego will gain full control over him. 

  8. celtic1888 on

    Husky voice…’I’ve been consoling terror victims for like 35 years….’

  9. TheLeggacy on

    I once saw a documentary where Steven Seagal averted a war by infiltrating a gang of terrorists who had hijacked the ship he was working as a chef on. Now he seems to have defected 🤷🏻‍♂️

  10. I imagine the victims going up to hug Seagal only for him to lazily push them away like in his recent movies

  11. He came to eat them, you know to stop the pain. But being eaten alive is a slow death, you say?

    No worries he swallows them whole in one big gulp, 2 or 3 at a time if they are kids.

  12. Sabbathius on

    I cannot believe that fat fraud shilling for Putin. It blew my mind. I remember watching his movies in the late ’80s/early ’90s and thinking some of them were actually pretty good. Hell of a legacy to leave behind.

  13. stonefly_76 on

    They should send him to the russian black sea fleet..they are UNDER SIEGE by Ukraine…

  14. Intelligent_Town_910 on

    When they say Seven Seagal rolls into town, he really rolls into town.

  15. I can see the headlines now:

    Segal to visit victims of terror attack and fire. Finds opponents he can finally defeat in hand to hand combat.

  16. boingwater on

    “Here Crocus City victims, is a fat sex pest to console you. He’s the best we’ve got – Love, Putler”

  17. Mysterious_Link_7587 on

    Jesus Christ! I’m sure a visit from this narcissist prick will go along way to heal their trauma

  18. Friendly_Trouble_916 on

    Seagal is a loser and traitor to our country! He keeps his head up Putin’s ass like trump!

  19. Fun fact, I used to live right next to where Steven Seagal USED to pretend to run a “Dojo” in Juso, Osaka, Japan.

    I got made fun of multiple times by my Japanese colleagues, not because the area is literally a red-light district, and my neighbours were all sex-workers, no, but because that’s where Steven Seagal lived like 40 fucking years ago.

    Guy is such a loser that a whole area of town is still made the butt of jokes because he briefly lived there decades ago. Truly magical power.

  20. W_MarkFelt on

    What real life nut job he turned out to be. OR he always was and it just eventually came out

  21. liebkartoffel on

    That toupee doesn’t even look like it’s trying to resemble hair. It’s like a piece of felt or something.

  22. LilLebowskiAchiever on

    So Steven Seagal is now the unofficial First Lady of Moskovia. Is he stretchier than that gymnast???

  23. seagal:

    * being fat
    * waddling
    * says some dumb shit buts speaks unintelligible
    * sitting
    * has no clue so he’ll probably eat a carrot in front of everybody
    * molests young females

  24. This man takes bootlicking to a whole new level, or at least a whole new country.

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