Orte, an denen das Erstgeburtsrecht auf Land basiert, und Orte, an denen es auf Blut basiert.

Von Ok-Sundae8186


  1. Again a repost and still wrong. France had birthright by territory and Germany as well now

  2. This is incorrect for the US. You also get citizenship by blood. I imagine it is also wrong for other places because things like this are rarely so simple.

  3. Wouldnt it be funny coming from blue country parents and being born in a red country? So you would not have a nationality

  4. US invented this citizenship post civil war for blacks on eastcoast

    tho those south border use that hopping border

  5. TheStraggletagg on

    Usually countries with ius soli also have ius sanguini, but not the other way around.

  6. Doctorwhatorion on

    Turkey: money works to and you don’t have to learn anything about our country. JUST GIVE SOME MONEY

  7. neriheron876 on

    I think this post is outdated. Germany, France and the United Kingdom also apply for jus soli, although some with some restrictions. For example, in France you must ask for your nationality to be granted between 16 and 18 years old to get it.

  8. Press-on-regardless on

    Not always true. There are transmission requirements for children of American citizens born abroad.

  9. So since I live in a red country I should temporarily move to a blue country when im gonna have a kid so my kid automatically gets 2 citizenships?

  10. It is curious, almost a perfect division between the American continent and the rest of the world

  11. StrictlyRockers on

    Every time this gets posted people rush to point out how inaccurate the map is.

  12. Informal-Resource-14 on

    I did a bunch of research on this because my wife and I were considering trying living in another country (we’re from the US). I’m just too damn American I think. I can’t remember but I think I could maybe cut it in Austria via Jus Sanguinis but I gave up by that point because my wife had way better leads than I did.

  13. I was born in the UK and have UK citizenship despite neither of my parents being British citizens

  14. south america has what north america has tho nobody north wants to be south

    those wanting to be in south america would be like those in africa or south asia

  15. Death_and_Gravity1 on

    This gets posted like every other week and every time people point out all of the simplifications and inaccuracies

  16. CalgaryChris77 on

    I feel like this is oversimplified to the point where you can call it flat out wrong.

    There are red countries where you can get citizenship automatically if your parents were citizens even if they don’t live there anymore, and there are ones where that isn’t true.

    Similarly there are blue nations where literally being born there is enough to be considered as a citizen, while there are others which require you to have parents actually living in the country.

  17. UFL_Battlehawks on

    It’s kind of crazy how backward and conservative that Europe is on this

  18. ShennongjiaPolarBear on

    Cue 12-year-old me explaining to my Canadian classmates that my mom isn’t German.

  19. kasia14-41 on

    What happens if a woman from a blue nation gives birth in a red nation? Does the child have no citizenship then?

  20. JohnathanBrownathan on

    Give me your tired, your hungry, your poor

    All are welcome in the Land of The Free.

  21. Ecstatic_Ratio5997 on

    can you have a baby in the US and just because they’re born there, they’re american?

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