Im Gegensatz zu dem, was man in der Schule gelernt hat, war einer der Hauptgründe für das Ende des Vietnamkriegs, dass GIs anfingen, alternativen Journalismus zu lesen, Befehle nicht mehr zu befolgen und sich weigerten, den KRIEG DER REICHEN MÄNNER weiter zu führen.

Von galahadl16


  1. galahadl16 on

    War is always waged by the hands of the poor so that the rich can become more powerful.

    Modern War is a business conducted by other means.

    Btw. did you watch “Everything Is a Rich Man’s Trick” on YT? You should.

  2. Vietnam war ended because infantry officers kept getting shot by their own platoon within a few days of being in country for the first time

    If they continued the war any longer, the breakdown in command would have escalated worse and worse until the military had no real ability to act 

  3. skiploom188 on

    elite’s greatest fear = people of all backgrounds and classes noticing and calling out their BS

  4. FishHammer on

    I was raised to believe serving your country meant protecting it, I now know it means serving the oligarchy as pawns for their interests. I’m not dying for Ukraine or Israel. I’m not sorry.

  5. Well the declassified gulf of Tonkin docs proved their thoughts on the whole war.

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