Laut christlicher Organisation sind Kirchen durch den Asylantrag des Clapham-Angreifers Abdul Ezedi „in Verruf geraten“.

Von nimobo


  1. Jesus is the only God? Thought he was son of God? Recursive definition? PHP anyone?

  2. ragandbonewoman on

    Ah yes, we will forgive this evil man in the name of jesus (The real God, not his son) and we’re expecting this to help our public image be asue he’s free of sin now he is a christian

  3. Happytallperson on

    For a country that repeatedly describes itselfnas Christian,  this whole affair is deeply unchristian. 

    The bible is full of calls to open the Church to any and all that come, including and especially sinners. The claims that they knew he had committed crimes but didn’t throw him out so were somehow fakes….”I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent”

    The demands that Churches effectively reject repentent sinners and converts simply don’t sit with what the bible says.

    Maybe he was faking it. Maybe he wasn’t. I don’t know. But the way the right wing media who cry about anything they deem a threat to our ‘Christian values’ are throwing a tantrum about the actual application of those values is pathetic.

  4. KaleidoscopicColours on

    This quote is coming from Christian Concern, well known for defending the indefensible. 

    They oppose any legal recognition of same sex relationships and think all abortion should be illegal. 

    It has the same director as the Christian Legal Centre, well known for bringing legal cases around keeping brain dead children on life support, and defending employees who’ve been homophobic at work. 

    This is just giving the oxygen of publicity to a group that is funded by the same American evangelicals who defeated Roe V Wade. 

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