Danzig, Polen um 5 Uhr morgens


Von pMurawski


  1. Absolute beautiful Old Town, I really enjoyed the business trip to TriCity.

  2. Best pirogi (sorry if misspelled) I’ve ever eaten was in Gdansk. Very underrated city

  3. boogiebogard on

    Cities in Poland are developing incredibly,Katowice,Warsaw,Krakow,Poznan and many others.

  4. the_sea_be_unruly on

    Beautiful city. That said, the building on the far right in the second picture looks like a person with an overbite and i just can’t unsee it now.

  5. Wonderful-Ad-3840 on

    Love when people in the U.S. tell me they’re going on holiday to Europe aka France, Spain etc
    and yet I tell them I’ll spend my summers in Poland, like yes yes you keep burning in the summer in the south, only if they knew more about Poland and how pleasant the weather is around that time 😌

  6. Put on the 1980 world map by Lech Wałęsa.

    First time I ever heard the city mentioned in the evening news.

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