Dies ist das [DM](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13242281/footage-Diddy-young-Justin-Bieber-resurfaces.html) Link https://preview.redd.it/9cxpnj7qmtqc1.png?width= 1207&format=png&auto=webp&s=59ad476590327e3aaefadc64c19c03813ae71530

Von dysto666


  1. Common-Car-2181 on

    It’s obvious diddy is being suicided(maybe not literally but reputation wise), he was either going to spill the beans bringing down many or he was too compromised. He’s a liability to other sickos now so he has to be paraded in public and have his reputation ruined, once he’s demonized enough he will lose all credibility and even if he blabs on others it will hold little weight.

  2. cornbreadsdirtysheet on

    I heard the term on the down low 20 years ago ………. it’s all being verified now so many gay closet cases. That’s why they have to come off so hard over compensating lol.

  3. Practical-Damage-659 on

    Evil sick child abusers the fall of the cabal has begun

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