Eine Geschichte in zwei Akten. Der Russe schrieb „Madyar is a fa*got“ auf die Straße, über die die Birds of Madyar die russischen Versorgungslastwagen jagen.


Von Adventurous-Ad9346


  1. Mobile_Incident_5731 on

    If I kept getting f’d in the a by the same guy day after day, I’d come to the same conclusion.

  2. testkasutaja on

    this is a compliment for him… it means his work as paid off and pidorussians hate him… please keep doing it 🙂

  3. Mormegil1971 on

    If he pisses the orcs off that bad, he is doing something right. 🙂

  4. GuillotineComeBacks on

    I imagine fulminating ruzzian following magyar (madyar?)’s video of bombing on his unit.

    So bizarre.

  5. Puzzleheaded_Nail466 on

    Can’t wait for a video of orc trucks in motion going 💥 with that in the video frame. 🤓

  6. Truuuuuumpet on

    Love to see more Orcs getting f*cked by Madyar The Faggot 💙💛💪

  7. Nobarkallbyte on

    Well this answers the many questions of “Do Russians see these videos?!”

    Yes, of course they do. They know that they are fighting for a made up cause and that they are actually the horrible ones in this scenario. It’s hard to find conflicts where it’s so massively clear who is the good guy and who is the bad guy.

    The Russians know they have no business being in Ukraine but they are getting paid to kill and rape people. To a Russian, there isn’t a better deal.

  8. lonelyronin1 on

    I want to see a reaction video from him – I’m sure it will just be him laughing while showing orcs getting blown up

  9. He did fuck all those guys real good. I wish Madyar and team more success ✌️❤️

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