Russland bereitet sich darauf vor, schwere Fliegerbomben aus Kampfflugzeugen abzuwerfen, um Ukrainer „für Crocus“ zu töten, mit dem kein Ukrainer in irgendeiner Weise verwandt ist.


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  2. Yeah, just keep repeating that it were Ukrainians and Russia’s fascists believe it.

  3. Dapper-Warthog-3481 on

    I mean, arguably it’s from the same play book as the U.S. blaming 9/11 on Iraq

  4. AmazingSquare8542 on

    There is an interesting prior post showing FSB agents facilitating the attackers inside the Crocus hall by closing the exit doors. They are all wearing blue shirts

  5. Zeezigeuner on

    Interesting to note that the words “City hall” are literally Cyrillic transcriptions of the English words.

  6. redditor0918273645 on

    If they keep focusing on Ukraine, ISIS is going to keep attacking. Some other anti-Russia/anti-Putin groups might also be inspired. Knowing that just four gunmen could wreak so much havoc has got to be a morale booster for them.

  7. dangerousbob on

    My understanding is that these guide bombs have been devastating on the front.

    I believe they have been using 500kg ones and these are 1500kg.

  8. It would be inconvenient for Russia to start attacking the true perpetrators of the terrorist act, considering they want to devote all their resources to conquering Ukraine. So much more convenient for them to construct an alternate reality to allow them to somehow blame Ukraine for it.

  9. ZuckerbergsSmile on

    “no Ukrainian is related in any way”.

    The use of a double negative suggests that they were involved

  10. Does not matter what their reasons are, it’s so ridiculous the Russians will probably threaten to nuke you for saying the weather is bad in Moscow.

  11. Glittering_Name_3722 on

    Can the jets delivering these not be taken out because theyre too far from the front?

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