Ein Forscherteam hat eine Innovation enthüllt, die darauf abzielt, Augenwunden schneller zu heilen | Neues Kontaktlinsenmaterial, das als Verband für Hornhautwunden dient. Die Linse setzt Medikamente auf regulierte Weise frei, die die Heilung des Auges beschleunigen.



  1. fish_whisperer on

    Hasn’t this been around for awhile? I’ve had bandage contact lenses for corneal tears and the Opthalmalogist said it was infused with medicine.

  2. middleagerioter on

    I had one of these placed on my cornea after, wait for it…my pet duck pecked me in the eye and crushed my cornea. Several mini surgeries, all lasting less than 90 seconds each, over the course of 9 months with these contact lens bandages used after each one resulted in me having perfect vision and no loss of sight.


    True story!

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