Das indonesische Militär entschuldigt sich, nachdem ein Mann aus West-Papua gefilmt wurde, wie er in einem mit Wasser gefüllten Fass gefoltert wurde



  1. Evelyn_Davila on

    This is probably one of the least covered international conflicts out there.

  2. AffectionatePlant506 on

    “I’m sorry we got caught, but no we won’t stop this massacre.”

  3. Aren’t these the same people who are outraged that terrorists and murderers were stripped naked in the cold?

  4. Napsitrall on

    Interesting how Indonesia is allowed to colonize and repress a people/nation without any interational condemnation or consequences.

    100k-500k deaths in this conflict so far…

  5. I’m in Indonesia right now. It’s shocking how people here are deeply anti israel, and can gather millions to protest 30k Palestinian deaths. Yet are completely oblivious about their own horrible colonial past and present. Not just Papua, but Timur and Molukken are other examples how Indonesia has become the evil it shook off in the previous century. 

  6. ShxsPrLady on

    It makes me so happy that Timor-Leste is free and thriving (relatively, for a poor country). The first free country of the 21st century, after decades on occupation. Read about it, it sounds exactly what like Russia is doing in eastern Ukraine now – and what, out of the public eye, it sounds like Indonesia is still doing in Papau.

    May Papau go the way of Timor-Leste and be blessed with both brave resistance and its freedom. May Indonesia colonizing days end.

  7. runningfromyourself on

    Well the video is horrifying. I would be very surprised if the man survived

  8. RoosterTheBeaten on

    We’re sorry we got caught. We’ll be more careful next time.

  9. Sorry that everyone saw that, won’t happen again! – Indonesian military

  10. Rude-Spare3048 on

    This makes me so mad cuz go up to any pro Palestine protest and ask about this and what? Nothing.

  11. AutomaticBowler5 on

    I know this apology and have used it. “I’m sorry…that it happened”

  12. The_Possessor on

    This is absolutely fine: the United States government used simulated drowning thousands of times over years and years. The then-Vice President belittled and joked about it in a radio interview. Prominent media personalities said they’d volunteer to have it done to them. Then the CIA destroyed all its subpoenaed evidence and everybody got away with it.

  13. SignatureElegant162 on

    Why bother apologising when it’s been happening for years and will continue to happen for years more?

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