Quebecs neue Französische Revolution: François Legault führt Krieg gegen die Engländer und den Kosmopolitismus, der Montreal zur größten Stadt Kanadas macht

Quebec’s New French Revolution


  1. “waging war” …. In this day and age, maybe a bit of restraint wouldn’t hurt. That type of language is ridiculous for the issue at hand, or is just me?

  2. Reading360 on

    Pretty over the top language and nothing the “CAQ” could do would ever change Montreal’s status as the best city in Canada.

  3. EyeLikeTheStonk on

    French is the mother tongue of 1.89% of the population of North America, English or another language than French is the mother tongue for the other 98.11%.

    The claim that French is endangered holds water with numbers such as those.

    Through many rulings on Bill 101, Bill 178 and other language protection laws of Quebec, the one thing **you have never heard** the Canadian Supreme Court say is to deny the right of Quebec to protect the French language.

    The SCoC has confirmed several times the right of Quebec to protect its language.

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