Umfrage zeigt, dass fast die Hälfte aller Manager ihre Arbeitskräfte durch KI ersetzen wollen und damit die Löhne senken könnten


  1. Plastic-Ant-4024 on

    Management aren’t safe either. No one is going to miss managers. A simple ticketing system with an ai agent driver is more than enough and any remaining staff will be happier.

  2. ThatOneClark on

    Do the managers realise their role is to manage people and not AI? Middle management will be gone too

  3. geebob2020 on

    Managers: I don’t know who AI is, but if I can get away with paying him less, I’ll hire him!

  4. hiraeth555 on

    Who do these people think they’ll be selling their services to?

    When nobody has any money, nobody buys everything…

  5. Fabulous_Engine_7668 on

    Last year my manager came back from a conference excited about a speaker who talked about AI. Lovely times.

  6. Laughing_Zero on

    That shouldn’t be a surprise with all the tech layoffs and various industries like movie production, art design, etc lowering the bar with AI

    They only look at money saved. There’s a long term effect that they never consider. The attempt to replace experienced long-time workers with inexperienced lower paid workers or now AI, often means the loss of good customer support, reduced quality service and reduced quality in products.

    Then the effect of local economies: unemployed people don’t buy goods, can’t afford services, and don’t pay taxes. Every unemployed person means there’s many services and products losing customers.

    Seems to me, if a company/corporation treats their employees poorly, it’s how they treat their customer.

  7. NewDayNewBurner97 on

    Recently attended a conference and all of the AI sessions made a big “hush hush, we don’t talk about the job losses we know are coming. We are just here to have fun and expand our knowledge of AI and the future!” speech at the beginning.

    The younger folks really seemed to vibe with that, the older folks were much more upset about it.

  8. Sea-Woodpecker-610 on

    Managers Winn install AI to cut workforce by 90 percent by getting rid of workers.

    Senior leadership install AI to cut workforce by 5% by getting rid of managers.

    BOD uses AI to cut workforce by 4% by firing leadership.

  9. flyingace1234 on

    I mean… couldn’t the survivors then turn around and say “you can’t replace me with AI. I’m even more valuable “?

  10. DroopyDachi on

    We are going to end up being micro micro micro manage by AI first

  11. “AI is great, it’ll free up people’s time to do other things rather than working!” Like what, starving to death from not having any money?

  12. Workers realize they’re the only ones who can do the work that the AI can’t demand higher wages. What happens if the AI underperforms? DO you put it on a PIP? Cycle the power? Explain how ‘we’re all family and we need you to step up’?

  13. Then you wont need managers and just AI technicians, engineers etc.

  14. Stacey_E_Fox on

    Try getting AI to train a 3 yr old baby horse or put an IV catheter in a dehydrated 4 day old kitten found in a dumpster 😅

  15. I’ll believe it when I see it. The current tech layoffs were going to happen regardless of AI. AI is the excuse for the layoffs. 

  16. Billwill343434 on

    One day we will use tech to better lives and not just make more money. One day.

  17. SnooCrickets2961 on

    Who gonna buy your product when no one has a job? Do you not understand how the economy works?

  18. I don’t understand why managers aren’t the first to go. If a job could be replace by AI, it is them.

  19. Zestyclose-Ad5556 on

    I instal office furniture, I also do removals. Cubical, call center, law office, whatever. It’s great business because the boss cuts staff they move, they pay for all of it, then the call back and need more room for the new hires when they get a new boss. Then cycle repeats. We resell the stuff we remove (most of it we can) the rest we scrap and recycle.

  20. urk_the_red on

    We’ve seen a lot about how AI is expected to allow these companies to drop payrolls and lay people off as they replace them with AI.

    What about the corollary? What happens when AI lowers the barrier to entry for smaller companies to compete with them? What happens when these laid off workers, form their own AI driven companies and start cutting the bottom right out from underneath the mega corporations?

    If AI makes it so cheap and easy to run a business that they don’t need workers, then it makes it cheap and easy enough for new competition to grow in spaces that were previously prohibitively difficult to enter.

    I’m not saying it will happen this way, but AI driven neofeudalism and the end of liberalism are not the only potentialities here. Under the right conditions, with the right policies, AI could have a democratizing influence in the work force. Or, alternatively, it could socialize much of the economy and fund UBI. (But that is a solution much harder to crack politically, socially, and policy-wise.)

    If I had to guess what will happen instead of what could happen; I would guess that different countries will mix the three options in different ways. Europe’s social democracies may opt for a higher proportion of AI facilitated UBI, the world’s dictatorships will opt for a higher percentage of neofeudalism, and the US will choose between a blend of neofeudalism and cutthroat AI free markets, or a blend of cutthroat AI free markets and UBI (depending on how the next decade shakes out politically of course.)

  21. xXxdethl0rdxXx on

    The only thing more dumb than people thinking this would be a good idea are the people only reading the headline and getting angry about it.

    The article is bullshit, it’s basically a press release from an AI startup.

  22. Angry-ITP-404 on

    This is why it is so important for those of you who are in positions to influence these decisions to be loud and try to change things from within. It will take a ton of pressure both internal and external to protect ourselves from the bottomless greed of the predator-class. Honestly the need for an industry-wide Tech union is becoming clearer and clearer…

  23. Survey reveals 99% of all workers aim to make more money next year. Could use extra wages to benefit society.

  24. fair enough, now replace the managers with lava lamps… cos the ai won’t need managing.

  25. Pale-Turn-3714 on

    Massive AI tax that goes towards a guaranteed income for all citizens

  26. I’m genuinely curious, what jobs do they think AI is ready to replace?

  27. virtualadept on

    How was the survey carried out? How was sampling done? What were the selection criteria?

    This reads like one part “I skipped that week in stats class” and one part “shut your pieholes, coders, or you’re next.”

  28. exqueezemenow on

    If everyone is replaced by AI, who will the customers be? Who will be paying them for their services when no one has a job to make money?

  29. Neat_Ad_8345 on

    More noteworthy with pay being deducted from the workers, it usually follows suit to supervisors and managers.

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