Kakao ist mit über 9.000 US-Dollar teurer als Kupfer



  1. Creative_soja on

    “Cocoa extended its surge — gaining more than $700 per ton in a single day and surpassing $9,000 for the first time ever — as a supply crunch grips the market and chocolate makers grapple for beans.”

  2. FranticPonE on

    It’s too bad Fast Furios went so off the rails, we could use a movie opening where they rob a loaded semi truck, Vin Diesel opens it up and says “black gold” as he reveals several tonnes of cocoa powder.

  3. Understanding_Silver on

    It’s all that chocolate guy on tiktok’s fault. MF’er using hundreds of pounds for silly videos. /s

  4. RampantJellyfish on

    Supermarkets will ratchet the price up to account for increased costs, but then when costs go back down they keep it at a higher price

  5. Gardening_investor on

    And the chocolate companies pay cocoa farms and workers pennies.

  6. Hep_C_for_me on

    Ohhhhhhhh Chocolate. I was like of course cocaine is more expensive than copper.

  7. BigDummmmy on

    Big Easter strikes again. Save those chocolate eggs, kids! They may pay for your college someday.

  8. EvenDranky on

    With global warming it’s just going to go up as production dwindles

  9. crabofthewoods on

    I kind of want to start stowing foods like this away. Some of these crops are not going to survive climate change.

  10. It’s only going to keep going up. Cocoa is one of the most desired luxury crops, one of the most limited in its growing range, and not a prolific producer. Add into all of these existing factors, the effects of Climate Change, and you’ve got a pretty limited lifespan on true cocoa being an affordable luxury. Coffee is under similar constraints as well. Did you know that a single coffee tree produces a little over 1lb of roasted coffee beans? Think of how many pounds of coffee are consumed daily. As a former “Coffee Master” at Starbucks, let me tell you that the number is astounding.

  11. Hasn’t this always been the case? Cocoa I would expect has usually been more scarce than copper.

  12. Australia has started to grow coca so let’s wait a few years until the first crop is reading 

  13. TheFlyingWriter on

    I have a hard time believing stuff now on “supply shortages” and the like. Case in point: the egg “shortage” last year. Completely fabricated.

  14. NotAGynocologistBut on

    Great. Commercial choclate is not even choclate as it is.

    Choclatiers seems to be the only place I know to get decent choclate. Not chalky Cadbury/ american shite.

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