Welche Perspektive haben die Finnen auf diesen Wechsel? Dies hätte in meinem Land (im Zusammenhang mit Vetternwirtschaft), das zu Europa im Mittelmeerraum gehört, viele Diskussionen ausgelöst. Der Grund für den Wechsel ist ziemlich klar, aber ich glaube auch, dass diese Stellenausschreibung dadurch zustande kam, dass sie die Ehefrau des Präsidenten ist. Natürlich ist es besser, dass sie arbeitet, als keinen offiziellen Job zu haben, aber ich frage mich nur.


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  1. JezzedItRightUp on

    She was a top lawyer at Kone – why would the job have anything to do with nepotism?

  2. Different-Brain-9210 on

    Nepotism generally leads to promotion, in one sense or another. This seems like lateral move, at best.

    Is she qualified for the new job? Does the new workplace benefit from what _she_ brings to the table, not what her presidential connection brings? I’d say yes.

    My verdict: not nepotism.

  3. Nebuladiver on

    From VP at Kone to a part time in Academia. She’s losing money. And maybe gaining free time because for sure she’ll have to be also involved in political events.

  4. I would say that it was a demotion, not a promotion.

    The previous post she held was probably one of the highest salaried positions we have here. To change from that to a part time position at the University giving her really unique perspective to the business law as a long time business lawyer is definitely not nepotism.

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