Trumps Optionen schwinden, da das Urteil in Höhe von 454 Millionen US-Dollar auf ihm lastet


  1. grixorbatz on

    No onw fucks their own sorry ass more thoroughly that DJT does.

    And MAGA thinks this makes him some sort of paragon of Presidential fitness.

  2. Timely_Rooster on

    She didn’t have to give him an extension. But he still rages and ridicules her. What a loser!

  3. Ah, the advantage of being old is all of the old television jingles I can go through.

    I’m presently reading this to the tune of Dragnet (the original): Bum de bum, bum de bum de bum . . .

    So appropriate.

  4. aluminumdisc on

    Having his base know that he’s broke must be absolutely killing him.

  5. It’s Monday now, is his time up?

    I bet he’s waking up, wishing this was all a dream

  6. He’s going to come through, towards the end of the day, with a loan from some company

    In a day or two, there will be a story about how the company has some amount of connection to Russia

    Nothing will change

  7. boxhunter91 on

    What time is it due? I bet you havnt slept all night Donnie boy. Munching on your burgers. How is love to be the remnants of ketchup on the wall at Fart-a-Lardo

  8. dj_spatial on

    Last chance to do the honorable thing and jump off Trump Tower Donnie

  9. God I hope that he doesn’t find some last minute deal to place the bond.

  10. Yeah yeah yeah….”corruption” and “interference” or whatever. pay up, Chump. You’re guilty.

  11. wingdingblingthing on

    how many can it be? that’s only around 1.8 million tug jobs.

  12. AggressiveBookBinder on

    He’s threatening a literal bloodbath. He’s scared and is trying to one again activate his army to begin the killing again.

  13. battledragons on

    “All I need is this stool and this pinwheel and this dog. I don’t need the dog.” —trump, a week from now.

  14. Sure_Garbage_2119 on

    tik-tok does the clock, tik-tok

    get reket, scummy orange jebus!

  15. novicegrammah on

    I’ll believe it when his assets get seized. Chances are Trump can post bond and is waiting until the very last minute so he can spin it as a win.

  16. siberianmi on

    The bond is getting posted today or delayed. Nothing will ever be seized and it will drag on in appeal. The amount of people who are celebrating this and don’t see this coming is astonishing.

    We will repeat the cycle of people being angry about it, MAGA fools gloating, until the next shiny story drops.

  17. justlisten36 on

    Since the 80s we’ve been making fun of how broke this guy actually is. Ya know, back when he was a democrat aka one of us. See the SNL skit of him and Ivanka selling their stuff for presents for each other. Only smooth brains who only preach history rather than actually learning it are still believing in this nutsack

  18. HavingNotAttained on

    And when you’re a star they let you do it.

    Grab him by the assets, Tish!

  19. 1Originalmind on

    I don’t think Chump would risk all of his properties against the off chance he could lower his fines. If he could have swindled his way out of this friday I think he would have. I don’t think anyone can afford to come to his aid, or find a benefit in doing so. Even if they help him today chances are there’s a number of other cases he’s totally fucked on later on. That maybe even helping him here would make worse. I think today really might be dipshit’s first taste of accountability.

  20. Past-Direction9145 on

    the media is so disgustingly in bed with him

    “options dwindle for the terrorist caught bombing moscow”

    like lets see it in a light that is a bit less supportive and a whole lot more recognizing our courts and laws broken and punishments for those types of fraud.

    but MSM? not be right wing? when all of it is owned by controlling right wing powers? yeah not gonna happen.

    “options dwindle for our fearless leader” is what it should say

  21. Someoneoverthere42 on

    Can’t he just, y’know, not pay it? Didn’t he say he didn’t have to pay his bills because he’s smart?

  22. If Donald goes homeless will he still have secret service living out in the streets with him? 😂

  23. Necessary-Ad-3679 on

    All I’m asking for is consequences for his actions. That’s it.

    I’m so sick to death of these “OOOOOH TRUMP’S IN TROUBLE NOOOOW!” articles and then nothing happens, yet again.

    If he lost even ONE building because of his hissy fits in court I’d consider it a win at this point.

  24. ObeseTsunami on

    That’s over a million dollars for every time he pleaded the fifth in this case.

  25. KyCerealKiller on

    He has the cash guys. He said so. He just doesn’t want to spend it on that. Duh

  26. Lucky_Wilkens on

    Couldn’t happen to a more deserving person. My only concern is that the Republicans may actually react quickly enough to save their ‘sinking ship.’ But, on the other hand, they are Republicans.

    They worked for this, they earned it, they will reap the fruits of their labor. /s

  27. SparkyMuffin on

    If he has the money, he’s probably waiting until the last second to bleed any money from his suckers

  28. Affectionate_Pay_391 on

    The right compares him to Jesus while the rest of us are watching the live portrayal of Icarus.

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