Elon Musk nimmt Ketamin und Technikfreaks verabreichen Pilze in Mikrodosen. Ist es also jetzt in Ordnung, bei der Arbeit Drogen zu nehmen?



  1. arehumansok on

    This is different. It’s classy when institutions do it duh, unlike that degenerate kid killed in Delaware over his mushroom chocolates.

    /s RIP Edelman

  2. Rich-Engineer2670 on

    Sigh — while I could suggest we’ve all needed antipsychotics, no, it’s not OK. We let real doctors do real work and we don’t make bathtub Prozac! I can understand why Elon Musk needs it, but that’s my opinion only, but if you need this stuff, *please* see someone who went to the doctor school!!!!

    I’ve got a background in this stuff, and it were legal and effective, forget microdosing, I’d be running 55 gallon drums in for my boss. “Don’t worry boss, the bitter taste just means it’s working”

  3. NoNumbersForMe on

    He’s lame enough to just say he does it in order to look cool. Look how he smoked that joint when he was on Joe Rogan, after he said he was a smoker 🤦‍♂️

  4. FlackRacket on

    This is “doing drugs at work” the same way Adderall is “doing drugs in school”

    My old manager used to hit 5mg of weed in the morning to help him get through emails, and that dude made MILLIONS

  5. It’s always been okay if you’re wealthy and white

    See: cocaine in the finance, film, and sports industries

    The conservative ex mayor of toronto, rob ford, was even video taped smoking crack and nothing negative happened to him and he continued to serve until his death.

  6. alerionfire on

    Wtf does this have to do with technology smh go post this on news or politics with the other anti Elon circle jerks.

  7. Crayon_Casserole on

    Every day there’s another dull post here about that pathetic little man.

  8. If you had to deal with the stupidity and Insanity of those jobs, you’d need to microdose to cope too. Really takes the edge off the ‘humanity is hopeless’ feeling

  9. DevoALMIGHTY on

    What I don’t understand is Elon taking ketamine and somehow continuing to be an awful piece of shit person.

  10. Just because one place is doing it, doesnt mean its okay to do it anywhere.

    Also, X tanked hardcore and is continuing to tank.

  11. I mean, I’ve know people it multiple different industries microdosing lsd and mushrooms for years. They were of all races too. It’s out there, just not talked about until someone big like Elon gets busted.

  12. levilarrington on

    I’ll tell ya, nothing is a better weapon for the war on drugs than a dorky conservative taking them.

  13. All-I-Do-Is-Fap on

    The finance industry has been doing it for decades…

    Also there are way more ppl on some sort of stimulant to keep the “work hard play hard” lifestyle going than you think

  14. InTheEndEntropyWins on

    I don’t get the article at all. Having a pharmaceutical grade treatment prescribed by a doctor that has studies supporting it’s use in depression, is completely different from someone micro dosing mushrooms which I don’t think has any real studies behind it. I think normal doses of mushrooms might have some studies showing benefits, but that’s completely different than micro dosing daily.

  15. Chocolate_Tpot on

    It’s impressive to see narrow minded groups of people gorge on their own ignorance.

  16. Do whatever you want.They don’t deserve your full attention anyway. Go wild.

  17. FuzzyMcBitty on

    I was thinking about this the other day. Musk is a gun owner. Didn’t Biden’s kid catch a charge for that?

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