Eine sehr seltene Erkrankung namens Prosopometamorphopsie (PMO) führt dazu, dass die Gesichtszüge verzerrt erscheinen. In einer neuen Arbeit wird ein 58-jähriger Mann mit PMO beschrieben, der Gesichter beim Betrachten auf einem Bildschirm und auf Papier ohne jegliche Verzerrungen sieht, bei der Betrachtung vor Ort jedoch verzerrte Gesichter sieht, die „dämonisch“ wirken.



  1. AntiProtonBoy on

    I wonder why they see distortions in real life but not on screen? Could it be attributed to stereoscopic vision and a distorted depth perception?

  2. SchillMcGuffin on

    I’ve noted some measure of this in connection with being drunk, but I’d always associated it with lighting conditions at the time.

  3. ConstantinSpecter on

    Interesting, I wonder if this is related to the „face in the mirror“ illusion.

    If healthy individuals stare at their reflection in the mirror the similar yet temporary effects seems to appear after a few minutes, where your face starts disintegrating and some people see ‘demonic‘ faces.

  4. molly_jolly on

    What I find interesting here is that, this is eerily similar to what I’d see when I took high doses of MDMA. In fact someone forwarded this page to me precisely because of how much this sounded like what I used to describe. Especially the grins and the elongations of the eyes. The grins were so creepy that I wouldn’t even smile back, thinking they were high as kites.

    I do wonder if the two are connected.

    Edit: And people would look insanely old, which come to think of it, might be because of the lines on the faces!

  5. kwood19988 on

    A lot of people experience this so I wonder why there is not only an article but a press release on this- is this a cover up or showing how he might actually be seeing real things? Why is there so much attention on one person? When thousands experience ‘hallucinations’ and distortions?

  6. Or maybe these guys are Grimms, and there’s just a lot more Wesen out there than you realize!

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