Trump hat bereits 91 Millionen Dollar im Loch und beschließt, E. Jean Carroll noch mehr zu diffamieren


  1. Bored_guy_in_dc on

    >At a rally on Saturday in Georgia, Trump told the crowd: “I just posted a $91 million bond, **$91 million on a fake story, totally made-up story. $91 million based on false accusations made about me by a woman that I knew nothing about, didn’t know, never heard of, I know nothing about her. She wrote a book, she said things. And when I denied it, I said, ‘It’s so crazy. It’s false.’** I get sued for defamation. That’s where it starts.” (The figure is $91.6 million because it includes interest.)

    Yep, thats gonna add on a couple more mil…

  2. InformalPenguinz on

    Fund a private rape kit processing facility to deal with the serious backlog. Don’t let rapists roam free.

  3. GrandmasShavedBeaver on

    This guy should get some sort of punch card, from being in court so often. After getting sued for the tenth time, he gets a meal of his choice in the courthouse cafeteria.

  4. sugarlessdeathbear on

    Go up an order of magnitude again. From $5 mil to $83 mil. Make it $200mil+.

  5. ThatsABangerDude on

    Ms Carroll needs to start going after Trump’s properties next. Do what the NY DA is doing; force Trump to sell his real estate holdings to pay off this judgement. That will really hit him in the solar plexus.

  6. GullCove1955 on

    Dementia Don has completely lost the filter between what’s left of his brain and his mouth.

  7. Let’s remember what a jury found, that this man forcibly penetrated her vagina against her will with at least his fingers. She isn’t sure whether he used his penis because she couldn’t see what was going on down there.

    That’s who republicans are supporting.

  8. clitcommander420666 on

    This must be the trickle down economics Reagan talked about.

  9. Agitated_Pickle_518 on

    Hit him harder.

    Sue him for hundreds of millions this time.

  10. ToastTurtle on

    Donny thinks with the Truth Media deal with DWAC he can afford it again… Looking forward to a third judgment.

  11. He’s draining GOP donors pockets to fund rape victims and the citizens of New York. I think it’s great!

  12. I think calling trump “demented” is no longer name calling but likely the right medical diagnosis.

  13. guillaume_hwt on

    1x = $5 million

    2x = $89 million

    3x = ???

    Linearly, 3x = $173 million. Exponentially, 3x is over $1 billion.

    Fun with Math. 😊

  14. guillaume_hwt on

    Hopefully he’ll completely bankrupt the GOP/MAGA and of course himself. What a scumbag.

  15. xiixdutchxiix on

    If the public is lucky, they’ll get to hear about the strings attached to his funding of these bonds.

  16. Sufficient_Morning35 on

    His picture in Vanity Fair looks like he has done so much adderall that he is about to melt.

    Which would be fine by me.

  17. bloodorangejulian on

    Man, I hope with the new supposed money he may be getting from truth social (look on politics, it’s a thread) that they slap a huge fine on him because he’s now worth more

    Slap him with another what 83 million, keep doing so until he stops.

  18. aeolus811tw on

    Right now this is one of the most high profile wealth distribution from Trump to others.

    DWAC merger is going to be fun to watch lmao

  19. Musicferret on

    Is it possible he is simply trying to get more court dates so that he can use the “I’m too busy!” arguments to delay other court cases? Kinda like the 3 stooges coming through the door, but none getting through because they all go through at once?

  20. HungHungCaterpillar on

    At this point I believe the thought process was “oh I got more money to use? This is how I want to spend it immediately today”

  21. Re-enacting the Bender scene in The Breakfast Club. Where’s Molly Ringwald when you need her?

  22. Fungalsuds on

    I make a fool of myself 3 or 4 times, shame on you. I make a fool of myself some more, shame on you.

  23. Independent-Ad771 on

    That’s ok since his daughter in law has taken over the RNC funds he will be able to funnel off the donations and the republican sheep’s will have no balls to fight him over it for fear of being branded a Rhino and having their political career ended.

  24. NullPoint3r on

    It’s like hooking a slot machine arm up to an ATM… which in turn is hooked up to Russia and Saudi I guess.

  25. Kitchen-Entrance8015 on

    Love this 100% on Monday we get to see the dumpster fire. At work remember if he doesn’t come up with the over 500 million for new york he gets everything taken from him he holds dear his golf clubs and his tower

  26. I think even staunch Trump Supporters at this point are like dude…will you shut the F up!!

    Everyone else “keep talking…. drain that bank some more…” LOL

  27. Paperbackpixie on

    As my mom always said, “Keep on, keepening on and see what happens” .

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