Angela Rayner sagt, Fragen zu ihren Steuerangelegenheiten seien eine „Verleumdung“

Von OneArmJack


  1. Initial-Echidna-9129 on

    It was, it was quite literally a claim made by Lord Ashcroft in ANOTHER book….

    As much as “Cameron fucked a pig” was a fun thing to attack Tories with, people didn’t think it was /actual/

  2. If you think you’re gonna get to be in power get use to it. Personally I cannot stand the woman so I’m enjoying the smear.

  3. jeremybeadleshand on

    She’s wrong, tax experts have told her she’s wrong and yet she keeps just repeating “I took advice”, as if incorrect advice is some sort of impossibility.

  4. One_Boot_5662 on

    Tories trying to make others look bad on tax affairs is just hilarious

  5. TiMiSdRuNk on

    That’s just politics these days I’m afraid. One smear after another. Gone are the days of “vote for us for our policies”, it’s now “vote for us because look what the opposition did”. Like a bunch of fucking kids.

  6. Best__Kebab on

    I hate the state of journalism now.

    Who gives a fuck what Angela Rayner or Lord Ashcroft say about it? Do some investigation and find out what the reality of the situation is.

  7. Huge-Celebration5192 on

    Years of her running smear campaigns on tories, she doesn’t like it back on her lol

  8. Duanedoberman on

    For a party which keeps on suggesting that people *pull themselves by their bootstraps*, there is nothing they enjoy more than kicking someone who they think no longer knows their place.

  9. Shot_Annual_4330 on

    Quibbling over £1500 when Esther McVey expenses 20 grand a year to rent a flat in London just up the road from the house her husband owns and rents out.

  10. General-Tale-73 on

    I don’t think this excuse (taking advice) would make one of us above the law. But clearly it works, in her case. Above the law.

  11. From the facts the public are aware of, there is a small amount of tax due (tax advisors who only know what the public know say so). She says tax was not due because of a tax advisor has said they are not. Why doesn’t she or her advisor (with her permission) just set out why the tax isn’t due? That seems the simpler, more transparent route which would end the story.

    Why can’t politicians, of all sides, be more straight forward with the public?

  12. Of course it was… The Tories are desperate and flinging muck any way they can in the hope that _anything_ will stick.

    It’s desperate and pathetic, but then so are the Tories.

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