Der Kreml sagt, Russland befinde sich aufgrund der westlichen Intervention auf ukrainischer Seite im Krieg


  1. Different-Shelter-96 on

    >MOSCOW, March 22 (Reuters) – Russia regards itself to be in a state of war due to the West’s intervention on Ukraine’s side, the TASS news agency quoted Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov as saying on Friday.

    They finally publicly admit it! I wonder when putin will confirm this. Or maybe Peskov get defenestrated sometime soon..

  2. Beginning_Ad_6616 on

    Russia after meddling in Ukraine by installing a puppet government that has not public support that was removed from office after regular citizens protested….THE WEST US MEDDLING IN UKRAINE…you can’t make this up.

  3. VomitingPotato on

    Russia has so much revisionist history they pretend it hasn’t been 200+ years of aggressor state imperialist terrorism.

  4. But i thought its a special operation not a war? And zz were there because they had to defend against US sponsored bio labs that bred mosquitos that made russians gay when stung?

    Ugh i guess that last week’s version of the truth. Hard to follow when their story changes weekly.

  5. mikki1time on

    They’re not wrong, they would’ve steam rolled Ukraine without javelins

  6. Full-Sound-6269 on

    Yes. They say if it wasn’t for Western help, Ukraine would already be conquered. These people just don’t see what bad is there that they started and continue with a war on foreign territory, the west is to blame.

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